Taylor MacKay

Taylor is an international business leader driven by a passion for effecting positive change at the intersection of business and social impact. With over 14 years of experience spanning both the non-profit and for-profit sectors, Taylor has cultivated expertise in sustainable development and international business.

Originally from the United States, Taylor has lived and worked in Uganda, Paraguay, India, and now lives in Kenya. Taylor currently works for doTERRA, as the Sr. Director of Strategic Sourcing (Africa) where he oversees sustainable and impact driven sourcing initiatives across the continent.
Previously Taylor worked for organizations such as Fairoils, the Asante Foundation, Fundación Paraguaya, and HELP International.
Taylor has a bachelor’s degree in accounting, a certificate in social impact strategy from the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the University of Oxford.

Connect with Taylor on LinkedIn

Contact Taylor on: tpmackay@gmail.com 

Contact the B Leaders team on:b-leaders@b-labafrica.net

Other B Leaders

Tom Fels

South Africa